Sunday, January 10, 2010

Help for Dogs with Separation Anxiety

The techniques in this article will give you a proven separation anxiety cure for dogs.

This absolutely solves the problem, so follow the instructions precisely and remember that you'll need to be dilligent.
Dog Separation Anxiety should definitely NOT be ignored. It can lead to many other issues if left unchecked.

If your dog shows signs of rebellion or anxiety when you exit his side, there are crucial steps that should be implemented as speedily as you can.

When I first adopted my dog Duncan from an pet store, I couldn't be any happier. He was just the cutest little guy - Only 5 months at the time. I had really lucked out with such a healthy young pup.

Duncan was just the happiest little friend. He would trail me ALL OVER THE PLACE.

He used to sleep right at the end of my bed during nighttime. He'd charge towards me whenever I'd get home. He followed me everwhere and loved me every step of the way.

All the time, I overlooked just how overattached Duncan was getting. He'd howl non-stop every time I had to leave the house without him.

On top of that, he'd start to rebel against his normal obedience any time I had to go out for an extended period of time. I'd come home to chewed up shoes, a ripped up floor rug or an accident on the carpet somewhere.

This was no coincidence. He was trying to give me a message. He was letting me know that if I left his side, he'd abandon all my obedience training and take out his frustrations on my home.

Hearing about dog separation anxiety for years, I knew these were some of the symptoms. But this was the first time I actually experienced it on my own.

What is it?

The disorder is projected by your dog becoming anxious or panicked the moment you leave their side.

Your dog is so attached to you that the idea of abandonment is thrust into their brain the moment you become out of sight.

The following signs should raise big red flags that your dog is suffering from this condition...


  • Signals of resentment

    • Chewing up things when you're out or away

    • Peeing or Pooping in the home when you're not there

    • Howling, barking or moaning when you leave

  • Shows no guilt over the destroyed items from your time away

    • leads to further disobedience

    • changes the pack hierarchy relationship

    • Creates tension and potential aggression as time goes on

  • Becomes overly excited when you get back to his side

    • leads to uncontrollable excitement (jumps up on guests)

    • May lead to leg humping or alpha challenging behavior

    • Your dog may act like velcro - unable to be alone

    • can create hostility with other dogs

    • causes depression in your dog when you doleave

  • Whines and howls constantly when you're not around

    • sleepless nights

    • can impact health long-term

    • makes life less enjoyable when in the company of others


It's normal to feel a little guilty if your pet is suffering from this problem. Save yourself the heartache and recognize that this is NOT your fault.

In reality, a TON of dog owners will have to deal with this behavior problem at somepoint in their dog's life. The most common scenario is your dog crying when you first get him (being separated from his mother).

A nice cure to this is wrapping a ticking clock in a thin blanket and putting the clock into the puppies bed during sleeptime.
The ticking reminds your puppy of his mothers heartbeat and can be quite soothing.

Understand that just because your puppy shows symptoms of dog separation anxiety, you don't necessarily have a big problem on your hands. Suffering from severe separation anxiety in dogs is what has most likely led you here, so don't assume that your sleepless newborn puppy is a giant red flag.

However, it you ARE experiencing the more serious symptoms above, you should have and action plan.

Let's see what's causing the problem to begin with.

More than likely, it's one of the reasons listed below:

  • Boredom: Your dog may be restless. Perhaps he's not getting enough exercise or dog training during the day. If you've been slacking in giving your dog POSITIVE attention, he'll make sure you give him ANY kind of attention. More often than not, he'll rebel and you'll be forced to give him attention for negative behavior.

  • Confinement: Before you start crate training your pet, find out if the breed does well will this type of confinement. Some dogs will panic inside the crate, tear up their sleeping quarters and rebel against you the moment they get out. Monitor your dog's response to your training and adjust accordingly. Some dogs are better trained in a closed off room rather than a crate.

  • Not Being Properly Socialized: If you don't bring your puppy around other pets and people often, he may shy away at the first sign of strangers. Dogs who are not properly socialized don't understand their place in the pecking order of outside animals and people. This can lead to general anxiety outside the home and confusion when left alone with strangers or other dogs. They may feel protective need to be overbearing around newcomers.

  • Trauma: If your dog is from a shelter and abused or mistreated by previous owners, he may have trust issues with you. The first sign of your abandonment will send him into a fury of confusion and panic. Trauma doesn't have to be as cut and dry as this either. Perhaps your pet is terrified of thunder and lightening. The trauma of being scared in a storm by himself can lead to further fears of being alone.

  • Changes to the Usual Routine: I've said it again and again. When you start a dog training routine with your pet, consistency is key. Your dog learns through repetitive lessons and rules. When these rules change, your dog will feel confused and anxious. Know your training regimen before you buy a dog. Routine should include the times of the day when you feed your dog, take him out for a walk, train him, put him to sleep, crate train...everything.


The strategies below should help you out a TON in ending this dog behavior problem…

  • Create a Comforting Environment: Ensure that when you leave the house, your dog has plenty of water and warm comfortable bedding. Leave your dog a blanket or article of clothing with your scent on it. Make sure it's something that your dog can chew up without concern.

  • Feed before you Flee: When possible, try to feed your dog just before you leave the house.

  • Relaxing Sounds: If you normally have the tv or radio on when you're home, try leaving it on when you leave the house. This can be calming to your puppy and give him a sense of normalcy when you're away.

  • Exercise away Anxiety: It's crucial that your puppy is stimulated with exercise and training regularly. Take your dog out for a long walk, playful exercise or a long training session prior to leaving the house. He'll be worn out and tired when you leave and won't suffer from boredom induced separation anxiety. Tucker him out and he'll rest in your absense.

  • Adopt a Buddy: Although it's not guaranteed to get rid of dog separation anxiety, buying another pet to keep him company will more than likely reduce his boredom.

  • Play it Cool When you Go: NEVER make leaving his side noticeable. Pay very little attention to your puppy when you're about to leave. This tactic is best implemented when you first get your puppy but it can still be very effective if your puppy is a little older. It sounds mean, but ignoring your puppy for 10 minutes and then slipping out the door creates a better transition for your separation.

  • Greeting Etiquette: I know it's hard but avoid over the top greetings when you come home and see your puppy. Try to remain calm and warm. Positive reinforcement or enthusiasm should be saved to praise your dog's good behavior. I'm not telling you to be cold to your dog but if separation anxiety is a problem, these are the steps you'll need to take.

  • Practice Time Apart: Try putting your puppy outside, in the backyard, during scheduled times of the day. Prevent him from following you around the house. Force some alone time between the two of you.

These dog separation anxiety training exercises will give you GREAT start. Remember, there IS help for dogs with separation anxiety. Seeing improvement requires that you take action and have strict rules to follow while training him. Begin with these and you'll be well on your way!